I am starting off this blog with an explaination of why I'm even doing it. I am a stay at home mom of 3 great & active little ones (4, 2.5, 1) soooo.... at times its hard to get out and go shopping for hours to find that perfect item in the store or heck even afford it if I can find it. And since my husband has several hobbies of his own that keep him busy year round & a job with somewhat odd hours I have over the course of the last 2-3 years slowly found myself becoming more crafty and creative.
3 years ago had someone told me that I would love to sew or even be able to sew anything I would've laughed at them... well thanks to tips from my mom and mother in law and TONS of great resources on the internet sewing is one of my favorite things to do! And now with this blog I'll get to share what I do with you!
I have always loved catalog shopping - but never the prices that accompany the brands like Pottery Barn, Restoration Hardware, and everything else. I recently discovered Pinterest and have been soooooooo inspired by all of the creative people that are out there blogging & sharing their ideas. I wanted a place to share what I've done & how... though my first posts might not have many "during" photos since I've got several projects that are older that I'm still proud of I'd like to share - plus this way I get to tell someone besides my husband who tends to make fun of my ideas because he's never seen them done on Pinterest. For example today I bought 5 embroidery hoops at a garage sale for $1 and he thinks I'm nuts! But had he seen a picture like this from Pinterest maybe he'd get it.
Anyway this blog is my way of saying
"Hey! Look at what I did!"
Your embroidery circle comment made me chuckle only because it reminds me of my own life! Love your blog so far! Can't wait to see what else you make!