I recently posted some pictures taken inside my daughters room and have had people ask to see more. :) So here's pictures of her very girly room. After having two (sweet) boys I was totally ready for a 100% girly space for a little baby girl to call her own.
This is the view when you first walk in. Please note - that we switched the nobs on the dresser, but needed new screws - when I sent my husband to the store to get new ones, he left the extra knob in his truck... and we never saw it again! lol. Guess I need to get a new one from Hobby Lobby :)
The mirror came from my parents house - I just spray painted it a cream color. its plastic, but made to look like carved roses.
I made these bow hook/hangers from some metal flower hooks at Hobby Lobby - I just found some metal washers out in my husbands toolbox, painted them cream, then ran a cute ribbon through it & hot glued it in place. :) They work great! I can hang up knit hats/headbands on the hooks too!
Next to the dresser is a rocking chair that is from my parents house. Its part of a pair - but this one was always in their attic, my mom rocked my brother & I in the matching one that's still in their living-room. The patchwork quilt on the rocking chair is one that my mom (Nana to my kids) made for her. Its so sweet and there is even one made from the scraps for her dolls too. ;)
Then is her crib (this is the first time for us to have a baby still in the crib past 17 months due to how close our kids are in age - I am loving it! lol). Her crib bedding is from Land of Nod - Winter, Spring,Summer or Patch Percale Crib. I only recently took out the bumper because I had to wash it and just haven't put it back in yet - its so cute, sweet & girly.
The pictures hanging of the bed are special to me - the carousel painting is from my Grandma (and a perfect match to the room - THANK YOU!) and the picture of the little girl & puppy used to be in my room growing up (I am sentimental can you tell?).
The curtains were made by my talented second cousin Patty - the fabric is from Joann (but I saw it at Hobby Lobby too) and is a decorator weight - ivory/pink damask print. I made the pink/yellow/green bunting as a decoration for her 1st birthday party. I never intended for it to be hung like this over the window - but haven't figured out how I wanted it hung. I am thinking over the crib and around that side of the room.
The newest acquisition for the room is this sweet little fairy/flower table & chairs set I found on clearance at Big Lots. I moved her crib around to fit this and her tent in last week (basically these 2 things are what prompted this post & the pictures). Its cute & she's had lots of fun with tea parties & her babies already. we had to add a little high chair for baby dolls and the rocking chair (from my Grandma) for extra seating - 3 kids + 2 chairs is not a good thing! The pink rug is from the Pottery Barn Outlet store in Ohio. Got it on clearance.
This pink gingham tent is from Land of Nod- it came from the outlet store. The floral hanging wreath inside it is something that I made as the mobile for over Gabby's bed . Here's the post how I made it - Pretty little mobile
Next to the tent and by the door is a nightstand with books and a cute little lamp that I found at HomeGoods.
There are two big pink canvas buckets from PBK that hold various toys & stuffed animals.
Across the room from her window is a large wall with 2 full sized closets - usually 1 holds current season clothes and the other holds a combination of clothes from past seasons & for the next season. :)
And just because I love girly clothes - making them and buying them here's a peek at some of her clothes. Those bright & cheery fabrics all just make me smile ;)
Thanks for looking! I hope you enjoyed the peek into my little girl's room. Feel free to leave a message if you need any help finding something similar to what we've got going on in here.
Rosie, Gabby's room is so beautiful!